God gave man a will and the freedom of choice. But given the choice, we stumble upon many obstacles and face difficult times. Throughout our lives we will be forced to make complex and at times controversial decisions. Our choices will influence communities, people existing around us but most importantly our future. Many different thoughts storm into my head as I ask myself, "What important choice will I have to make in order to lead happy and successful life?"
At first, I thought that choosing college and a career will lead me into success and happiness, then I moved onto the subject of family. One can have a prestigious career but without family and love, one shall never taste fulfillment in his or her heart. Then, I realized in order to be successful and happy I need to choose what happiness and success mean to me.
What is happiness? Does true happiness really exist? According to Harriet Meyerson, "Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings you the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run." Happiness is a dream, a blueprint of fascinating career, financial freedom and upholding a high morale of society. To be happy is to have dreams, and to be successful is to make them come true.
Road to success is full of miniature achievements. Whether it is completion of homework or semester, success is around the corner. Persistence, motivation, leadership and continues training are the keys that lead to success. With part motivation, part self help and part humor I do aim for top and I do give hundred and three percent. But I choose to accept my limitations rather than be unhappy about them. I prefer to be satisfied with all my imperfections and call them successes rather than be dissatisfied with them.
Through the success, not only do I discover my own true worth but also the worth of people around me. The success takes me away from the complexities of society while at the same time making it possible for me to enter deeply into the mystery of life. Success will simplify life but not make it simplistic.